Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Regular Dental Visits Can Save You Money

Regular Dental Visits Can Save You Money

Regular Dental Visits Can Save You Money
Why do I have to visit the dentist for checkups if nothing hurts? Because you can’t see what the dentist sees. Shimla dentist uses magnification for every examination he does. And with a special camera, he can show you cavities, leaking fillings, gum disease, tooth wear, or even oral cancer that you would never know existed. Dr. Goma can prevent small problems from developing into larger health concerns that will cost you considerably more time and money to fix in the future.

* Gum Disease – What’s the most common disease? What accounts for 70% of all tooth loss? Gum disease. Recent studies show that people with periodontal disease are twice as likely to develop heart disease or diabetes. Oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream through the gums, jeopardizing your whole-body health. Signs of gum disease may include bleeding gums and pockets between the teeth, but you may not have any symptoms at all. Dr. Goma treats early and advanced periodontal problems, but early treatment is always easier and more successful.
* Tooth Decay - If the dentist finds a cavity, he simply removes it and replaces it with a white filling. Problem solved. However, if your cavity gets below the gum line, into the root canal area, or underneath the tooth cusp, you may need crowns, implants or more advanced, costly care. Dr. Goma can help you prevent cavities with regular checkups and cleanings.
* Oral Cancer – Oral cancer is one of India’s deadliest cancers, claiming the lives many every year. Risk factors include tobacco, alcohol consumption, cheek or lip biting, and poorly fitting dentures. However, 25% of oral cancers occur in people who have NO risk factors at all. During your regular dental checkup, Dr. Goma screens your head and neck while checking your mouth with magnification. When caught in its early stages, oral cancer has an 80 to 90% cure rate.

Regular visits to the dentist’s office may not only save you money, they may also save your life.

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